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14 Best Substitutes for Burrata Cheese to Consider Trying!

14 Best Substitutes for Burrata Cheese to Consider Trying!

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Everyone adores burrata cheese for its chewy exterior and creamy interior. Yet, in the event that you’re out of burrata while preparing a salad or pizza and the store run seems like too much effort, why not explore some alternatives to burrata cheese?

Burrata cheese, a renowned Italian cheese, is often savored on its own! Just a drizzle of olive oil and a pinch of sea salt can elevate its flavor even more. But if you’re looking to incorporate it into desserts or on a pizza, that’s an option too!

Finding a suitable burrata cheese substitute can be challenging due to its remarkable consistency and flavor. Cream cheese, mozzarella cheese, mascarpone, feta cheese, ricotta cheese, and cashew cheese are among the top burrata cheese substitutes.

Burrata cheese offers a dual cheese experience with its outer texture akin to mozzarella and its inner texture reminiscent of cream cheese. However, if burrata cheese isn’t available, experimenting with burrata cheese substitutes is worth considering.

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14 Best Substitutes for Burrata Cheese

Here are some top alternatives to burrata cheese that you can explore and pick the one that best suits your recipe.

1. Cream Cheese 

Cream cheese

Cream cheese is soft and spreadable, much like the interior of burrata cheese, making it a viable substitute. It’s also readily available. Cream cheese has a gentle, slightly sweet and tangy taste with a velvety texture. However, it is firmer compared to burrata cheese. 

You can substitute cream cheese for burrata cheese in a 1:1 ratio. For a closer match in texture and taste, consider combining cream cheese with mozzarella cheese. 

2. Mozzarella Cheese

Mozarella cheese

Mozzarella cheese bears the closest resemblance to burrata cheese in appearance. Both share a similar shape and outer texture, thus making mozzarella cheese a suitable substitute for burrata.

The primary distinction between mozzarella cheese and burrata cheese is that mozzarella has the same texture throughout, while burrata has a creamy center.

In many recipes, mozzarella cheese serves as an excellent replacement for burrata cheese.

You can use mozzarella cheese as a substitute for burrata cheese in recipes that call for melted cheese or in salads and pizzas where burrata cheese is typically used.

In all recipes, mozzarella cheese can be added in the same proportion as burrata cheese.

3. Mascarpone 


Mascarpone cheese, another delightful Italian cheese, is also a great alternative that worksMascarpone cheese can be a great alternative to burrata cheese due to its creamy consistency and spreadable texture. It might not have the chewiness of burrata, but it works well in various dishes, especially if you enjoy tiramisu. The slightly sweet and sour taste of mascarpone makes it versatile for both sweet and savory recipes. When substituting mascarpone for burrata, use 2 teaspoons of mascarpone for every spoonful of burrata needed.

Feta cheese, made from goat’s milk, offers a firmer and crumbly texture compared to burrata. It has a slightly salty and sour taste, making it suitable for dishes like salads. You can substitute feta for burrata in a 1:1 ratio, but mixing it with other cheeses like mozzarella or cream cheese can enhance the flavor.

Ricotta cheese, known for its sweet taste and grainy texture, is a healthy alternative to burrata as it is made from whey leftovers. While it may differ slightly in texture and flavor from burrata, using the same amount of ricotta as the original cheese in recipes works well.

Bocconcini cheese, with its creamy flavor and soft texture, is a top choice for replacing burrata. This fresh cheese made from cow’s milk has a slightly salty and milky taste and works perfectly in dishes that call for burrata. Although it has a firmer texture than burrata, the creamy flavor makes it an excellent substitute.

Stracciatella cheese, similar in flavor to burrata, has a liquidy texture and can replace burrata in a 1:1 ratio in most recipes. Despite its unique texture, incorporating stracciatella in dishes like pizzas or sandwiches can seamlessly fill in for burrata.

Cashew cheese, a vegan-friendly alternative made from cashews, offers a creamy texture and mild flavor similar to burrata. It can be used in a 1:1 ratio as a dairy-free substitute while providing a sweet, nutty, and acidic taste.

Queso Fresco, a Mexican cheese with a crumbly texture and slightly creamy taste, can be used in place of burrata when the focus is more on flavor than texture, following a 1:1 ratio.

Almond cheese, made from almonds, provides a creamy texture and nutty flavor, making it a popular vegan substitute for burrata. Using almond cheese in equal proportions to burrata works well in dishes that require burrata.

Cottage cheese, with its milky and slightly sour taste similar to burrata, can be a suitable substitute in many recipes. Although it has a lumpy texture, it can mimic the flavor profile of burrata effectively.Burrata cheese is a popular choice for many dishes. However, if you’re seeking a healthier alternative, cottage cheese can be a good option. It is nutrient-rich, low in fat, and calories. When substituting cottage cheese for burrata, keep in mind that a 1:1 ratio may not work, so adjust the amount according to your taste preferences rather than sticking strictly to the recipe measurements.

### 12. Tofu
Tofu is a nutritious substitute for burrata cheese with a mild flavor and varying textures depending on how it is prepared. Tofu works well in recipes that call for fresh burrata. Enhance tofu’s flavor by mixing it with your favorite seasonings. For tofu as a burrata cheese substitute, use a 1:1 ratio.

### 13. Brie Cheese
Originating from France, Brie cheese is soft, creamy, and akin to burrata cheese in texture and taste. While brie cheese has a milder taste than burrata, its buttery and nutty profile complements dishes that require burrata cheese well. You can substitute brie cheese for burrata in equal amounts or add a bit more for extra creaminess.

### 14. Fontina
Fontina is a semi-soft Italian cheese that shares similarities with burrata cheese in mouthfeel. Aged for at least three months, fontina develops a nutty and fruity flavor. Although fontina has a less milky taste compared to burrata, it can be melted and used as a substitute in dishes that call for melted burrata cheese. While fontina may not offer the same depth of flavor as burrata, it adds a touch of creaminess to your dish.

#### Short Recap Of The Best Burrata Cheese Substitutes
– **Easily Available:**
– Mozzarella cheese
– Cream Cheese
– **Most Suitable:**
– Stracciatella cheese
– Brie Cheese
– Cream Cheese
– **Substitute Options To Consider Last:**
– Tofu

### How To Use Burrata Cheese Substitutes In A Recipe
1. Review the substitutes to find the one that suits your recipe.
2. Gather your ingredients and use your chosen substitute.
3. Use the substitute in the required quantity and proceed with the recipe as directed.

### Conclusion
Burrata cheese is a versatile ingredient commonly used on its own or as a topping for various dishes such as pizza and sandwiches. If you run out of burrata cheese, any of these substitutes can serve as a suitable alternative.

### Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

#### Is ricotta similar to burrata?
No, ricotta cheese differs in flavor and texture from burrata cheese.

#### How do you mimic burrata?
Burrata can be imitated by blending mozzarella cheese with cream cheese and salt.

#### Is burrata the same as fresh mozzarella?
No, burrata and mozzarella are distinct types of cheese.

#### Is burrata the same as paneer?
No, burrata and paneer are not the same.


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